Saturday, 30 October 2010

Happy 1st Birthday boys!

Today was our wee boy's 1st birthday party. Where has the year gone. As there is only 6 days between Fergus and our friend's son, we had a joint party.

For our daughter's birthday I dipped lovely Bonne Mama cookies in icing then sprinkles and this year carried on the theme with marshmallows dipped in chocolate and sprinkles. I'm not fond of marshmallows, but everytime I passed the plate, my hand automatically reached out for one. They remind me of little fantasy toadstools.

Okay so I cheated with this cake and used my new favourite thing, ready to roll icing. The effect was a bit more professional than my effort with butter icing and a warm palette knife and the 'Janod' toy cars and food colouring felt pens helped me out too. I used the the cupcake recipe from Nigella Lawson for the sponge, filled with strawberry jam and vanilla butter cream, glazed with apricot jam to give the icing something to grip and Voila!

Joyeux anniversaires aux petits princes........

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Fergus! You're now a whole number - as Sophia would say! Love the idea of dipped marshmallows too. What a clever mummy you have.
